09 May 2016

3rd Confederate Infantry Regiment

This weekend I got the finishing touches and basing done on my third Confederate Infantry Regiment. I also painted up another General a couple of Sharpshooters markers and constructed and based a set of 4Ground "snake fencing".

I've not enough regimens painted for a fully painted Force to be able to play in a Longstreet Grand campaign. It's been awhile since I have been able to claim to have a fully painted army! Saying that, there are additions sat waiting to be painted but they don't need to be done just yet.

As with the other two infantry regiments, no flag for the standard Bearer and in fact I'm waiting for them to be delivered sometime this week and will preview a full Army shot once I have them glued to the flag-poles.

I've also started work on the commission I mentioned in my last entry and I'll post up on that next.

Lighting's a bit shite in these pics as I was working on the dining table.

Fencing. Very exciting. Not really.


  1. This is great project you're progressing Dai... and a full army shot will be greatly appreciated. But what about those Winter Russians ;-)

    1. They're coming, they're coming! >_< Commission first, then Soviets.

  2. They look great I especially like the colonel with his hat in the air!
    Best Iain

    1. He is fast reached my top 2 of my painted commanders. Thanks Iain!

  3. Woo hoo! Fencing!

    ...Thought they ought to get a bit of love. Hah! Really enjoying seeing this project come together!

    1. Hehe! Yeah, not ezciting at all. But they deserve as much right to be catalogued as the soldiers considering they took 2.5 eposides of game of thrones to assemble!

  4. Lovely work, that general with his hat in the air is especially nice.

    1. Cheers Stuart. I didn't need to paint him as I already have 4 generals, but he was such a fun sculpt and rather easy to paint up.

  5. Looks like more Longstreet AAR's will be forthcoming in the future. Snake fencing is such a great item for evoking the ACW. Would you go with 4grounds stuff if you could choose again? Or would you look for something pre-assembled?

    1. Definitely some AAR's for Longstreet, also Regimental Fire and Fury once I get a couple more regiments painted (It's a bigger game.)

      4Ground's snake fencing is nice looking and wasn't too fiddly to put together. In typical 4Ground fashion, it's more expensive than other options and you don't get very much for your money (1 meter or so only). I think I will get a 2nd set, if only to match this original one, but any further after that will be another company's as Battlefield Terrain offer a larger kit to make far more fences (Not sure if they provide bases though.) for around the same price.

      Pre-assembled.... ugh. No. Typically super expensive!

  6. A really, really nice paintjob mate. 15mm does look like a good balance of detail and playability.

    Can I put in a request for a basing tutorial post? If you have the time, I'd like to try and replicate that. I'm so used to super-small scale that my 28mm and 20mm bases look a bit rubbish.

    1. I think at this regimental level 15mm does indeed work nicely and looks great on the table. Thanks mate.

      Basing's pretty simple, but I'll stick something up soon for you. :)

  7. At first I thought this was 28mm, wow beautiful work Dai!

    1. Wow, that's a compliment! Cheers Col.
