20 April 2016

CSA Divisional Command

The original plan for my 15mm ACW project was to collect a force large enough to play against my friend Stewart's Union Brigades using the Regimental Fire & Fury rules set. In these rules, should your games end up being played at a Divisional level, then one requires a Divisional HQ base to represent your high ranking commanders who are making all of the big decisions.

Whilst I'm still a L-O-N-G way away from being able to play a game at that level with painted troops, I thought that this weekend I'd put together and paint up a Div HQ base so that I'd at least have one ready and also to break up the horrid monotony of batch painting CSA infantry!

Major General Muntjack and personal staff survey the battlefield. Mounted, Louisiana Brigadier General Pomme Frites attempts to get the Division Commander's attention, pointing to something obviously important stage left. Unfortunately Muntjack's attention is taken by Colonel Sylvester's gesticulations indicating action down the battlefield.

Colour Sergeant Muntjack nephew to the Major General bears the Bars and Stars.

Obligatory horses bum shot. 

My 2nd Infantry regiment is next on the table. These guys are ready for basing. Highlights will be applied after I've got the whole regiment up to this standard and based.

The remainder of the regiment. I'm cheating and using the grey primer as base colour for their trousers. Yep, lazy.

Three more regiments of infantry waiting their turn.... Ugh... and another on it's way in the post as yours truly couldn't pass up the chance to pick up a super cheap Zouaves regiment on Ebay.
I'm hoping the 2nd regiment will be done by Sunday afternoon as Stewart and I are to play our first game of Longstreet. I'll post up an AAR Monday or so.


  1. So much infantry! They are looking good.

    1. I know mate... It's a bloody slog for sure. :) Cheers!

  2. That's a damned fine stand, sir, damned fine. The art of generallin' in the Civil War really comes down to gesticulatin' n' pointin' - that and hat wavin', powerful lots of hat wavin'.
    I feel your pain about painting a batch of reb infantry. I refuse to paint mine all one shade of grey, I feel honour bound to paint them in five different shades of grey, three of tan and butternut, and some fellows in captured kersey blue Union trousers, so that's a lot of headscratching and piecework for me. I leave it to you and your conscience to decide on your approach. :)

    1. Haha! ^_^
      You had me chuckling whilst I read your comment.

      I'd love so much to find time to put enough effort into these minis so that they'll match my original regiment with their multitude of shades. But I really want to play a game with my toys! Therefore, I will ashamedly just keep on taking the easy-way-out and grey tops and bottoms...

  3. Beautifully done, man! Those look fantastic!

  4. What a tremendous stand Sir, wonderful work.

    1. Kind of you to say so Michael. Appreciate it.

  5. Lovely looking command stand. It would send me boggle eyed doing all these little chaps. Though the effect of them all painted on the table would be worth the effort as it looks excellent all arrayed for battle.

    1. Thanks Simon. It does get a little fiddly at times, but the detail is nowhere near as much as you'd find on a 28mm fig, so it's a lot easier to paint at this scale than one would imagine.

  6. Very nice! I'm with the padre - loads of different shades of grey required, although it's perhaps a bit easier in 2mm. Excellent use of gesticulation there for a mini-diorama on the base.

    1. I know... I'm also with the Padre, I just don't have the patience right now as I want to play a game finally! :)

      I may well come back to these though at a later date and spruce them up appropriately. (When I don't have a deadline.)

  7. A very nice vignette Dai, and certainly one which I'd have thought would capture the eye on the tabletop. You've certainly got plenty going on my friend :-)

    1. Cheers mate. Am hoping they'll at least look better than my mate Stewart's boring Union blues! ^_^
