11 March 2016

Comrade! (Part 5)

Thus far a majority of these brave defenders of the Motherland have been given grey greatcoats in various shades, to account for the varying dyes they were dyed with and also fading for those who've served longest. In general, Soviet infantrymen's greatcoats came in many shades from tan, to grey-green to grey, so I wanted this, my first squad to illustrate these variances.

And here we are with my final two regular infantrymen, both in light brown coats and both flinging things. One a tasty cocktail, the other a pineapple grenade.

Molotov at the ready and grenade in mid-throw!

Different rifles for these chaps. This squad I mixed up all the rifles as they are my long-serving Regulars - so Mosin Nagants, Carbines and  SVT40 semi-auto (on the left above.). My "free" Inexpeirienced squad will all be armed with Mosin Nagants (The rifle on the right)

Had fun with the flames that I think look real enough. two yellows, two oranges, dark grey and black on a white undercoat. Stands out at least.
All that's left to paint up for this squad is their Light Machine Gun team.

Should have them finished and ready for basing this weekend and then it's on to a vehicle to switch it up I think.


  1. They look ace...and great job on the molotov cocktail!

  2. More nice Russians, Dai! Fabulous work. The faces are absolutely top-notch.
    I like the flames but also the green shading on the bottle itself.

    1. Thanks Mike. The bottle was a cheating method for sure - just took Tamiya Clear Green over a light blue base colour and voila, instant glassy effect!

  3. I'm really liking your ruskies ! You're persuading me that they're the way to go for all of my left over DKK weapons.

    1. Cheers sir, I think that would be a great use for these very nice sculpts.

  4. Very nice work as always. I do like the flames on that molotov as well. Have you ever tried that object source lighting glow? I did once and it was a disaster, just wondering if you had any tips.

    1. Appreciate the kind words Ed.

      OSL... Ugh, my own efforts attempting this were likewise craptastic.

      To be honest I'm also not that big a fan of the effect in general.

  5. Nice work, these look cool!

  6. Absolutely love it!

    I often amuse myself by pitying those poor Molotov models that spend turn after turn slowly advancing with their flaming bombs held proudly aloft!

    1. I dunno mate - at least my Soviets are theme'd for Winter, so maybe he's happy to have warm hands? :P

