22 February 2016

Comrade! (Part 3)

Had a lot of time to myself this weekend, so loads of opportunity to paint and watch almost all of Band of Brothers, Saving Private Ryan and Jin-Roh (Obscure Japanese anime from the creator of Ghost in the Shell for those interested.).

Here are another pair of Soviet infantrymen, ready to join the surge into Poland. Am loving these greatcoat sculpts as they are so easy and fast to paint. The fellow on the left is Dead-Eye Dmitriy - the cold stare of death that somehow got painted makes him look like business indeed as he aims for another killshot. Bloke on the right I'm thinking is more of a bully-type as not only does he have mittens and booties, but he's also got a 2nd pair of mittens that I'm assuming he muscled away from some greener recruit. Why? Who knows - incase the 1st pair gets a hole or need to be used in lieu of loo paper? Attempted a very crude scrawl on the Panzerfaust label to show firing instructions - looks a bit pants, but o well.

Again, snow basing to come once I've got the remainder of the squad painted.

Obligatory rear view. Didn't realise until seeing this pic that the arm joints are so prominent. Ah well, just want them painted up and ready to play with - perhaps revisit with greenstuff at a later date.
Also slapped some more paint on my Redboxgames barbarian. He's coming along nicely. Will be starting my rpg campaign on the 5th of March, so expect a wee synopsis thereafter I think.

Unlikely to be an update until next week as I'm off to Seattle on Wednesday for a friend's 42nd birthday. Ciao!


  1. Another very tempting post , Dai. These look cracking, and I simply love the detail you manage to achieve on their faces - even when they're simply peeking out at you from under all those layers!! I'm clearly going to have to get me some of these at some point. Maybe Salute...

    1. Do it! They are super fun to paint.

      Faces are really fun to slap about right now, no idea why. Usually they are a right pig's ear.

      Cheers mate!

  2. What another cracking pair Dai, I totally agree with Simon's comment regarding the character that you have captured in each one.

    1. Thanks lots Michael! As much as these are just random soldiers and likely to be dead each game, it seems sad to not at least give them a little effort for character.

  3. Scary looking Soviets man. Have fun in Seattle!

  4. That expression on the crouching lad and the paint job all round is pure win. Nice one matey.

    1. Thankyou old boy. Wish all my painted faces had such effective results.

  5. Those coats were pretty rough, according to my wonderful source about Soviet riflemen ! So prominent sleeve seams aren't at all out of order.
