28 January 2016


Finished up this fellow recently, a barbarian setting hunter/ranger of some sort. In my rpg campaign, he'll be the miniature for the Ranger Character. More of a hunter than a warrior, though no less deadly with that bow pinging off arrows at his enemies in support of his more combat-based pals.

New set up in my room is causing photographing my models to be trickier than before. Pics seem to be very bright for some reason. 

Per usual, Tre Manor @Red Box Games has produced a great sculpt with loads of cool and not over-the-top detail. 

Thought about giving him some tattoo's or some such on his arms, but decided against. I like him being business and simple. Just the Barbarian to go (Who will get some tat's.) and then I'm done painting stuff for my roleplay game!

I finish with a pic of Pickles, who due to an aversion to rain, has taken to peeing indoors. We are not amused.

Scruffy pup is scruffy


  1. Those retro-barbarian sculpts are pretty darn cool!

    1. Yeah, the RedBoxGames Frazetta-look is my style as far as barbarians go. I'll be getting some more for sure.

  2. I think I'd have accidentally made a fig like this 'muddy' from the browns and inking the skin. I really like what you've done. Maybe it's the light edging/fur that pulls it off? Whatever it is, well done.

    Also digging the big sprig of grass in the middle of the base.

    1. Cheers Dave - I was fighting hard to make him look tanned and weathered and not just "muddy".

      Sometimes it's the little additions like the grass tuft that can help a base look a bit more interesting.

  3. Nice paint job, particularly the flesh. And... cool dog!

    1. She's a fun pooch to have around with loads of loving personality and attitude to boot.

      Thanks for the kind words mate.

  4. Cracking job butt! Love the flesh work, cool little pooch too Dai!

    1. Painting flesh is convincing different shades from my usual euro-pasty white has become something of a challenge, but I'm enjoying trying them out. Cheers mate!

  5. Very nice dude! Scruffy pup indeed! We have one of those at the moment as well. Bit of a chill no thanks I'll pee under the dining room table! Thankfully we have a laminate floor and not carpet!

    1. Yeah, she's a pain in the rump, though we are trying to train her out of it. So far though, no luck. Heh.

      Cheers Simon.

  6. Not sure how I missed this one Dai, as that's a first-rate paint-job on a terrifically characterful mini. Love the muted colours and great work on the skulls. Wonderful-looking Ranger :-)
