16 November 2015

Last fortnight of the 6MMRPC!

Of course I slip up and forget to get my post up in time for last week's submission. Guess it'll mean that this post will be longer then, so make sure you're comfortable.

No games played since last post and I won't be able to get my FoW game in for Cameron's campaign in before the deadline of... tomorrow either. Which is poo. Ah well, real life schedules and all that.

Lots of painting done though and all over the place topics-wise at that.

First up, I went and bought the Frostgrave rules after reading some very good reviews and AAR's in blogs. I also loved the fact that I could use existing minis from my collection, so won't have to purchase new figures just to play. I even managed to get my son interested (Seems more into the hobby side of things than gaming for some reason.) and he's started painting up my odd collection of GW Skaven for his warband - of course, he plans to play them as Necromancers. So I'd like to present his own first members of his warband that he finished painting up over the weekend.

Wizard on the right, and Apprentice on the left. Wizard's right eye had a small miscast and so my son rightfully painted it up as a scar!
Whilst he was happy slapping paint about, I worked on some bits and pieces for the game, some treasure tokens and a boar incase it gets rolled for as a Wandering Monster.

The boar is an old Marauder Miniatures sculpt that had an orc rider. The greenstuff is to bulk out where the rider's legs would have sat. The bits for treasure tokens are random things from my bitsbox.

All painted up and ready to go. My son asked why the skull and femur were painted green - at first I want to say they were made of Jade, then instead told him they were just moldy. 

Squeal piggie, Squeal!

I also got a trio of Jomsviking Bondi painted up. Will do their shields when the whole unit is painted so they are more uniform. Saying that, shield-less, they are perfect candidates for use as Thugs in Frostgrave!

Picture looked just fine on my phone last night... O well, here they are, a bit out of focus. The bloke on the left actually has far more contrast between his gold faceplate and his beard, but this pic buggered that up. Regardless, I think this would count as a Movember entry. 

This fellow grabbed my attention, so I worked on him too. He's an old 1980's TSR sculpt I think. Didn't realise until I was painting his flesh colours on that he has pointed ears and tusks(!), so I decided to see if I can include him in my rpg campaign. His background will be as a half- hobgoblin, half human bully-type and due to his mixed heritage, he'll be nicknamed the Ha'penny Hob!

Loads of fun detail on this sculpt, very unlike most of the TSR figs I own. I do love his big bushy eyebrows too!

Sneaky sod is brandishing spiked knuckles, yet hiding his real weapon behind his back!

The knuckles though I think had a dagger blade attached originally, but it must have broken off. His knife sheath was empty so I made a quick knife handle and glued it in on his hip. Also this pic shows his well sculpted ears!
Last up! For my ACW project, I managed to finish and base the command stand and an infantry base for my first infantry regiment.

The base on the left will be the one I stick printed unit details to, hence the Non-Com with the sword to make it easier to track. I'll be printing flags once all the regiments are painted. I think these fellows would count for a Movember entry don't you think?


  1. Very busy over here! Some cool looking mini's really like the spiked knuckle duster dude a different paint scheme he'd look cool in a post apoc setting.

    1. O yeah, he'd fit right in with a Cyberpunk or Fallout-style setting.

      Thanks Simon!

  2. An eclectic mix Dai! All looking lovely too.

    1. Yeah, am a bit all over the shop, but is easier to keep hobby mojo interested that way. Cheers Bob.

  3. I like all the random models. Frostgrave looks fun. I love skirmish games. Using random fantasy models is even better. I have a few of those kicking around...

    1. Once the Malifaux fellows and critters are completed perhaps? :)

  4. Loving the new Frostgrave additions, especially those loot markers - very nice indeed.

    1. Cheers Michael - plenty more to come as well!

  5. Very cool looking Jomsvikings Dai, I've just ordered a pack to use with my Pagan Rus, glad I did after seeing this, they look great. I'm yet to try my hand at Frostgrave but my brother is hooked on it so it's only a matter of time i'm sure..I'll check back for an AAR !

    Great work mate,


    1. Great to hear, am sure you'll paint them up a treat.

      AAR will be posted once I have everything painted... bit anal like that.

  6. Absolutely brilliant! I particularly like the treasure markers!

    1. Cheers Drax! Looking at the rulebook, it looks like I'll need to make another 2-4...

  7. Lots of great stuff there. 'The Jade Skull' sounds like a pulp baddie.

    1. Thanks.

      He probably wears a smoking jacket and turtleneck.

  8. Niiice! Also enjoyed the Deliverance reference there.

    "Boy, this river don' flow t'Aintree"
