02 November 2015

200th Post Competition Winners!

Apologies, this draw was a couple days later than originally planned. Add Halloween prep and then the obligatory massive hangover suffering on Dia de los Muertos (Yesterday) and I was rather overburdened in real life - but here are the results of the draw, all applicable names were entered into Random.com and the three winners, in order, are:

1. myincubliss

2. Chico Danks

3. Mad Tin Hatter

Please email me @ deadestdai at g mail dot com with your choice of prize in order of preference out of the three and your mailing address and I'll try to get them out to you in the mail this week, work schedule allowing.

Congrats to the winners and thanks again to all who follow and comment on my humble blog, I reached 119 followers over the weekend, which is also amazing!

A regular post is to follow!


  1. Replies
    1. Congrats mate. :) Book will be on it's way.

  2. Replies
    1. Very welcome sir, one Ghostly Dragon winging it's way to you soon.

  3. Replies
    1. No idea, but I'd ask her for her dentist's number if I met her. Those pegs look great!

  4. Replies
    1. Perhaps I'll do another of these in the future when I get 400 posts or something....

  5. Gotta love Dai look, giving stuff away mind.

    1. I've won a couple give-aways since starting my blog. Felt it was time to offer a little back.

  6. I totally missed this contest, Dai! Congratulations to the winners.
    I hope that's not a photo of you with a hangover!

    1. It's all okay mate. There's bound to be another one in the future.

      No, but I certainly felt as healthy.... ~_~
