18 October 2015

Zomtober - Week 3

This is another Sedition Wars mini, though a Kickstarter exclusive, using the blonde Cylon "6" from Battlestar Galactica as it's inspiration. The sculpt has an ingame name, but I can't remember it, so she'll be Professor Patricia Heffer, former lead scientist on the science vessel where first contact with the nano-virus occurred. She had finally found a way to combat the virus and stop it's deadly spread, but sadly too late, as the virus had already infected her lymphatic system and she succumbed before being able to test out her cure.

Played with the idea of giving her lipstick or a darker lip colour, but decided that zombie ladies wouldn't really care about that stuff.

One aspect to this sculpt that appealed was that there are relatively few tech parts to pick out aside from her hand.

There's 13 days until I make the draw for my 200th Post competition. All details can be found here!


  1. Very cool. I'd have never thought of doing an infected cylon.

  2. Great job Dai! Cool sculpt too, I'm not familiar with that game.

  3. That is thoroughly disgusting!

    ...As it should be! Awesome work, man!

  4. Sometimes not doin' anything is good for one. Hope the negotiations thing pans out ok in the end. It's half term here and I've missed a contract review meeting. Instead of covering for me, my boss got someone from Birmingham down to attend for us. I'll find out how that went next week....
