20 August 2015

The Last Hirdman (And Group shots)

Here he is, the last of my Viking Hirdmen. Another well armoured fellow with a smashing moustache, so large it droops over his chainmail gorget-hood thingie.

Pretty cool sculpt, though I'm not a fan at all of the nipple tip to his helmet and feel I should have just filed it away to give him a regular conical helmet instead. O well, too late now.

Really like the banded armour pieces on him.

Another yellow-black traditional shield design. Keeping them simple.

And now, the requested group shots! I'll be playing these Hirdmen elite warriors as 6-man Men-at-Arms units in Lion Rampant (My Saxon Thengs will be used likewise.). They hit like a truck and can soak up damage really well in the rules, rather fitting I think looking at them all. (Completing these 12 and the 12 Thegns beforehand definitely earns me a Joker for the 6MMRPC. Not that I'll be buying anything new anytime soon, but it'll cancel out the guilt of one of the Bolt Action WW2 purchases I recently made!)

Fresh off the boat and ready to get raping and pillaging. Vikings are a nasty bunch for sure.

Close-up of the left. 

Close-up of the right.

Another quick group pic of the Saxon Thegns (Previewed previously) who'll be defending their homes against this Viking incursion. 

Battle is about to commence! I really need to invest in some sort of calendar with landscapes or something to use as backdrops for my photos of finished minis.
Next up on the paint table will be the remainder of my much maligned 15mm ACW Confederate Cavalry. There are only 2 bases worth left to get done and then basing for the entire unit (A very simple job) and they'll be done.


  1. The last Hirdman is a cracking figure. Great group shots of some lovely figures!

  2. Replies
    1. One word responses are my favourite.

  3. Very nice. Thanks for the group shot. They look great. It almost makes me want to play saga, except I wouldn't have anyone to play with!

    I love how the mustache goes over the chainmail!

    Congrats on the joker. I need to finish some things to claim one. I'm feeling guilty as well and have some more purchases I want to make in the future...

    1. That's why I'm working on two factions, so I can get my son or whoever to play and they won't have to supply a thing!

      I wonder if it gets snagged in between the chain links!? O_o

      I have another Joker claim in the very near future. I reckon another 5 or 6 and I'll be back at even....

  4. Awesome mustache on that guy!

  5. Beautifully done, man - love seeing 'em all together as well. Cool stuff!

    1. Thanks mate. I really enjoyed getting these together. Once I can work up the energy, I'll get started on the remaining 24!

  6. The group shots are great. It's nice to see all your figs together in action poses. Big moustaches are making a come back. It's highly topical.

    1. I'd grow one too were it not for the fact that my wife would refuse to come near me were I to sport one. :/

  7. Thanks lots Kieran. Am pretty proud of them myself.

    There'll be more to come too!

  8. Oh boy - they look just amazing! Bloody well done!

  9. Very cool mate! Great looking faction

    1. Thanks Nate. Am hoping the Bondi will keep up with the theme - stay tuned!

  10. Fantastic work Dai! Now get them to the table!

    1. Am hoping to do just that tomorrow evening in a mini-game to try to get my mate interested in some Dark Ages gaming!

      Thanks mate!
