05 August 2015

Nature's Wrath

Last night I got this fellow finished up. He’s the player character fig for the Druid in my Barbarian rpg campaign, a metal sculpt by Reaper Miniatures. I really like the character and detail in this mini and he was fun to paint. My only complaint is that he’s frikken huge (!), like closer to 35 than 28mm. Still that’ll make for an interesting 7-foot player character I guess. J

* He's also got a "Wyrdform" (Druids in Pathfinder can change shape in later levels) that I'm working on and will showcase at a later date.

Tried to give him a sun-blessed skin colour seeing as he's all out-doors-y and all.

Lighting is a little harsh, but he REALLY does have eyes painted - little beady eyes, tinged with madness or something. Maybe he got bitten by a rabid shrew?

I also slapped some paint onto the 4 remaining Viking Hirdmen. Trying to make these elite warriors look like they’ll stand out from the rest of the (upcoming) rank and file Bondi warriors in their brighter (And therefore more expensive) clothing and armour. Still lots to go on these, but they should be done by the weekend.

Paints in the background are arranged so I can remember which colours were used on each chap's clothing. I have a memory like a sieve....


  1. He looks fabulous, Dai, even if the moths have been at his clothing. I like the darkened skin.
    I have the same problem with my painting, especially if I try to do a lot of different figures at once.

    1. Thanks Mike - I don't think he cares all that much about his appearance. Probably smells like Patchouli too...

  2. Replies
    1. Cheers Gordon. I felt they'd be suitably "druid-like".

  3. Great mini! The paint job does credit to the sculpt. I particularly like the coloration of the beard and the face, but the green creases are well highlighted, and the equipment on the torso a nice selection of colors. Very well done.

  4. Appreciate the critique Dave. Took some time with this one... too much time - I was up far too late last night. ~_~

  5. He's not an attractive man, either, is he ? Possibly gets on better with critters than people. Good career choice then....

    1. Nope, he's bloody ugly with a great conk of a nose.You make a good point.

  6. Superb painting on a great looking sculpt. Likewise, my memory is not so good, so I keep everything written down.

    1. Thankyou sir. I should probably keep notes as I go as well. You are far more organised than I. :)

  7. The cloth looks great on this druid!

    1. Thanks mate - I gave it a bit of extra effort to try to get a good effect.

  8. You've done a cracking job on the druid, if I had to sum him up in one made-up word it would be 'outdoorsy'

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  10. "Paints in the background are arranged so I can remember which colours were used on each chap's clothing. I have a memory like a sieve...."

    - Genius. Just genius.
