13 August 2015

Another Axe to the Face

Another Viking Hirdman for my tally. As you can see, he’s sporting a Danish long-axe and it’s about to ruin someone’s day. (Which is very cool) The sculpt is overall pretty good and way more traditional “Viking” in style than the past few I’ve showcased. The hands are a bit sausage fingered and the chainmail shirt seems more lazily sculpted when compared to others I’ve recently painted up. My biggest beef is that he suffers from yet another case of no discernible eyes and so I’ve left them alone and I’m worried his opponents will see him squinting and just realize he’s short-sighted and fill him full of arrows before he even realizes they are pointing bows at him!

I’ve tried to give this fellow a salmon-pink tunic and rich blue trousers. I think the colour-combo works pretty well and I’ve added a couple extra layers of highlights to both garments seeing as he’s not getting any freehand added to his clothes.

Only two Hirdmen left of my original twelve, including my most favourite sculpt of the lot. (I wonder if by finishing all twelve and therefore the unit, I earn back a Joker?)

I also started work on another rpg character mini – this time an old old old Citadel Miniatures Ninja from the original 1980’s Talisman board game (My fav’ Games Workshop boardgame). Black clothing really doesn’t blend in all that well in a hill/plains setting, so browns it is. Feels very 1980’s Marvel Wolverine to me. 

Over the decades I've owned this fig, that sword hand has snapped off and been glued back on about 15-20 times. Funny thing is, this is the first time I've ever slapped paint onto the poor fellow.


  1. Nice! That ninja mini definitely takes me back - really digging the viking as well!

    1. Glad you like! Really wish I had gotten more of the Talisman collection. They had so much character to them.

  2. It is a strange feeling to finally paint something you've owned for an age. It feels good though. Congratulations.
    It might be the camera angle, but he looks like he's got pretty big feet.

    1. Good eye! I believe his mother was a duck by the look of those flappers.

  3. Viking looks great. The pose is carrying a lot of energy. That axe hit is gonna hurt!

    1. I've seen a youtube video showing some re-enactors swinging those axes against mannequins bearing shields. Flippin nasty! The shield was made useless in one hit and the mannequin lost half it's hand!

      Cheers Greg!

  4. Love 'em both: smashing work, mate!
