13 July 2015

In her heart, there was nought but shame

This weekend was another lovely quiet affair with Footie on the television, wine flowing freely and lots of time to paint.

Saying that, I only managed to get one single mini completed. And here she is.

Mila will be a Bard player character in my upcoming Barbarian setting roleplay campaign. Her background is as a slave dancer/singer. The mini is a metal Reaper Miniatures effort that I am not certain has been translated into their plastic "Bones" material.

The pictures have washed out what shading there is, so the real piece doesn't look so stark in real life. 

Seeing as our game world has a rather Frazetta-esque feel, I figured this sculpt would fit right in. I like her look of arrogance, but also sadness. This poor girl's lead a short and hard life and someone's going to pay for the loss of whatever innocence she once had. The blue right hand is something I will write about in a later post.

With such large areas of skin, I felt obliged to add some sort of design or tattoo, hence the snake (At least it's supposed to be a snake.) slithering up her thigh. She also sports a brand on her buttock to denote her status as a slave and who she is owned by.

I also got some work started on another of the player character minis for the campaign, but not enough to post up just yet.

Lastly, for those perhaps interested - my Ebay auctions have only a little over 3.5 hours left! Help this cash strapped hobbyist fund new projects!


  1. Very nicely painted. I always find skin tones tricky, but you've captured it really convincingly here. Her hair & the animal pelt also look great, & the excellent base complements the miniature.

  2. Very interesting model. I like the details that add a back story. I'm always intimidated by models with a lot of skin like that. Good work!

    1. I think you'd do well on a model like this. All that panel shading you've done with the airbrush would give you experience enough I think to make a mini that shows a lot of skin look really good.

  3. I quite like the blue tattoos on the face. Same with the touch of pink in the leg bandana. A bit of quirky colour to add to the piece that has come out very nicely. I definitely get the Frazetta feel coming off this mini.

    1. I feel models like this one that lack much sculpted detail require one to have to add the detail one's self with freehand and spot-colours.

      Glad you approve of my choices.

  4. The tattoo's are really cool. They really add a bit of character and story to the model!

    1. Cheers Greg. She'll get lots more background before I offer her up to the players as a character choice!

  5. "Like" both the mini and the idea of a Frazetta-esque barbarian RPG.

    1. It'll be the 4th chapter of our barb's setting that has so far spanned two generations and a nation built from scratch. My own story idea will hopefully switch things up a bit, and I've been VERY inspired after watching Arnie's Conan films recently!

  6. I'm no fan of this kind of mini, but you've done her justice!

    1. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I appreciate the sentiment!
