27 July 2015

6MMRPC Week 7 Report

This week was a bit meager on the hobby output side of things. Between spending time with  mates, going to see an International rugby double-header event and so forth, these two finished minis are it for week 7 of the Challenge.
First up, another Viking Hirdman for my Dark Ages project. Love this pose, he’s about to wreck someone’s day with that Danish-axe. Simple paint job with a bit of clumsy freehand for the trim on his jerkin. (I hope to get some more of these done before my next update so my nifty Draxian ™ progress charts can show more green than yellow!)

The other piece is another mini that I will be using for my rpg campaign. This was a Wizkids Heroclix lizardman that my son requested I paint up and use in my upcoming rpg campaign – but I decided instead it’ll be a Troglodyte gladiator. The sculpt was flippin’ horrible though with terrible detail all over the face and hands. Still, although not my best work by far, I like the finished result and look forward to plonking him down in-game.

I got a couple games of Flames of War in as well against my old pal Densmol. Nice to be playing again after some months off. He picked up some 5.5” Medium Artillery guns so that my Brit/Canadian artillery will finally be able to scare people (Cos 25-pounders in Flames of War are utter pants). And they were the main damage dealer in both games (Including an attached AOP flying observer) with both Densmol’s Fallschirmjager (German paratroops) and Schwere Panzer (Heavy tanks) companies suffered under their heavy barrages. I can’t wait to get these painted up so they match the rest of my force.

Lastly – Kind old bugger Admiral Drax mentioned in a comment over on Cameron’s blog that Warlord Games are having a stupid good saleright now on their rulebooks. Buy one and get a free box of 30-40 plastic infantry or a tank or whatever (Sale finishes 31st July though.). It’s a sweet way to lure simpletons like me to get into a games system. So yeah, me and Densmol are just waiting for our new Bolt Action rulebooks to arrive…. And our Winter Soviets (Me) and German Grenadiers (Him) infantry boxes. 28mm WW2 gaming here we come. I’m thinking Some super late “Soviets attacking Germany in the Winter months”; mainly so I have an excuse to buy an IS-2 tank. 


  1. I quite like the coloration on the lizard. Everytime I look at him I think his spear is a paint brush though. He looks like a brush thrall to assist you in your endeavors.

    1. Yeah - it was supposed to be some sort of onyx-shafted magic spear, but it's not working out right. I'll take a look at him again another time and see what I can do to spruce it up some.

    2. Ha!

      I also thought it was a paint brush - I figured Dai was finally going post-modern with his hobby...

  2. Ooh, is2. When I think about bolt action I think about Soviets, as I doubt I will do them in 15mm.

    The saga model looks good. I feel your freehand pain. I can't ever get my freehand lines perfect.

    1. Exactly - FoW soviets are just a potential nightmare for my slow-painting self. (Plus I don't really like the way they play) But in BA, I think they'll be a little different - plus at this scale, they also look super cool.

      Cheers mate.

  3. I'm also digging the lizard man. Good color for him.
    Glad to hear you got some games in too!

    1. Thanks Rich. Was nice to be throwing dice again after such a long break.

  4. Who doesn't need another Troglodyte Gladiator ? Lord knows I've worked with enough in my lifetime...

    1. Some would call your comment sarcasm.... I on the other hand, prefer to read it as honesty.

  5. Beautiful work on both minis! You're outputting more than I am so count that as a win!

    1. Thanks sir. Will hopefully have more to show this weekend.

  6. Nice work - if the sculpt on the lizard really was that bad, you've done a nice job of getting the best out of it.

    1. Thanks mate. But it was that bad. :)

  7. 1) The minis look great
    2) Love the freehand
    3) Glad to see you got some games in
    4) Gladder still to hear about the 5.5"s (nice!)
    5) Sorry about the Bolt Action hook(!)
    6) Soviet BA minis do indeed look great in 28mm

    1. 1. Cheers!
      2. Cheers!
      3. Cheers!
      4. You need some!
      5. Cheers! (Am glad you did!)
      6. Looking forward to seeing your own!
