10 June 2015

Keeping it in the family (Part 1 - WIP)

These three are part of the two Anglo-Saxon Thegn (Elite troops) units that are in my Saxons list. The actual models themselves got me inspired with some backstory ideas and so the armour & cloaked warrior is to be the Saxon Lord's son-in-law and leader of the second Thegn units and the other two are the Lord's two sons. To this end, so that they all keyed in with the family idea I made sure to make the mustard-yellow cloths with red/green accents a tie-in. I'm not sure it's historically correct, but it works for my roleplay-oriented mindset. Story matters more than detail after all.

The figures are from the Saxon Command range by Black Tree Designs. The original sculpt for the middle mini had no weapon at all, just his left hand with typical peg on it for a shield - I guess being a commander, he only needs to protect himself and lets his boys do the fighting? As I wanted him to match up with the rest of the spear armed Thegns, I drilled out his fist and stuck a cut-down spear so it looks as though he switched out for a bit in order to properly direct his unit. It'll look cool in the end, promise.

*I'm having trouble researching online for a proper 900 AD-ish Anglo-Saxon banner or flag. I think by that time they had moved past the elaborate dragon looking designs? Any suggestions are welcome on this.*

Still basing and bits to tidy up a bunch of stuff on these and think up some names for each for fun. I won't be putting in a super amount of energy into them (As with following minis for this project) as it's going to take too long to get through the whole lot.


  1. They look like they're coming along very nicely, Dai. I especially like your leader with the spear - nice little conversion. I can't help with the banner designs I'm afraid as this isn't a period I game at all. But you;re certainly tempting with a bit of a Saga in the future :-)

    1. I think you'd do up some very nice Dark Ages efforts myself mate. Thanks!

  2. Replies
    1. Cheers Rich. They're done now, new post incoming soon!

  3. Replies
    1. Appreciate the kind words Chico, thanks for stopping by.

  4. Do the symbols or designs you like. It's not like anyone will bring proof that your minis are inappropriately equipped or decorated. After all, the story is more important, right ?

    1. You are not wrong there. And thankyou for throwing my own words at me. :)

  5. I suspect that there is very little primary evidence at all of ephemeral, one-dimensional things like visual designs from the Dark Ages, and a lot of the stuff that does exist is just artists' impressions from the last couple of centuries.

    Love these minis!

    1. Hence why it's called "Dark Ages".

      Pokemon cards cut to fit it is then!

  6. It's great to see Dark Ages done well! Keep it up!

    1. Very kind of you to say so sir, thanks!
