28 May 2015

From Rorke's Drift he came... (Part 1 - WIP)

Here's another out of the blue rpg character painted up for my upcoming (= after the Summer) roleplay campaign. This fellow will be one of the personalities the player characters can choose from a set of 7 (So they still feel like they retain a modicum of "choice"). He'll be a dark-skinned barbarian warrior (The setting our campaigns have been played in is a Frazetta-esque barbarian world) from the plains peoples. The mini is the old old Zulu Warrior from the Citadel Miniatures Talisman range. A clumsy sculpt, truth be told, but like many in the Talisman range is contains a lot of character.

Skin, head-dress, body and "clothing" is mostly done. Right eye is rubbish so I'll be revisiting that next.
 In the pictures of Zulu warriors that I found, the fighters would carry all their spare spears, javelins and clubs in their shield hand, ready to be taken up once their primary weapon was spent. To this end I made a cheeky club out of paperclip and smoothed out green stuff that I'll be sticking in his shield-hand (Drilling a hole thru it - gulp..) as his back-up weapon. 

The shield is different to the traditional zulu style - small and round, more of a buckler. It'll still be made of animal hides though.

Tomorrow is our 11th Wedding anniversary.... Bloody hell that came around fast. 


  1. Congrats on the anniversary matey!

    1. Many thanks sir. Am surprised she hasn't kicked me out yet!

  2. Oh, and nice job on the mini!

    1. Hopefully it'll look better next post!

  3. You've been really busy lately - doubtless Mrs Dai thinks you've been preparing a pleasant surprise. Good luck !

    1. Here's hoping she's finally found an appreciate for painted metal and plastic soldiers....?

  4. Wonderful painting on a charismatic sculpt Dai. Congrats on the anniversary as well. That total will be doubled before you know it ;-)

    1. Watching my son grow so fast before my eyes, I can fully believe that mate.

      Thanks on all accounts.

  5. Well done sir! Many congratulations! (Oh, and happy anniversary as well)

  6. Hearty congrats on the anniversary!

    Oh, and in case you're wondering, those Zulu clubs are often called 'knobkerries' - 'knobkerrie' is a rather pleasing word, methinks...

    1. Or (having just checked) as an 'iwisa'. I guess that's the Xhosa word for it...

    2. I was aware of the club being called knobkerrie, but not iwisa.

      Either name seems far too "Nice" sounding for a bludgeoning weapon...

  7. Lovely paintwork (as usual) and happy anniversary!

    1. We had a lovely day of it, thanks.
