27 January 2015

British 8th Army HQ and others (WIP - part 3)

Last night saw me slapping decals on these and calling them good enough for tabletop. Like my other Desert pieces I'll be returning to these to add a little weathering and antennas where applicable.

*Have to say I am not impressed by Battlefront's decals. Far too big compared to the reference pictures I found and I had a hard time making the blasted things fit on the truck fenders, ending up having to cut them down a little and even then they didn't fit well.*

1iC's White's Scout Car, 2iC's Jeep and the Mortar section's Morris 15cwt trucks. 

At first these weren't fun to paint, but once past the base colours, they became a blast. 

Here's the Commander's stand again and his transport version. Lighting in the pic is a bit pants, but if you look closely you can see his dog in the back of the transport, just behind the driver. Thought that would be a nice touch to key the vehicle in with the HQ all the more.
The first Norcal Flames of War tournament of the year was on Saturday - a 1200 point Mid War Infantry only (No armoured vehicles or Divisional Support allowed). I had an okay time, finished joint bottom (Though missed out on Best Presentation and Best Sport by a point or so.) and realised that British Rifle Company lists just don't work well without those supporting armoured and artillery elements. I also forgot to Night Attack all three rounds.... which was pretty much indicative of my day. No pics as I was too busy playing terribly.

Last bit I wanted to talk about was that the 6MMRPC pledge challenge thingie is almost over. I'm pretty proud of the fact that I kept to the rules and only a couple days ago used up my second and final Joker/getoutofjailfree deal (Bought some ACW infantry...), posted more than required and painted regularly. My mountain of unpainted stuff still doesn't look all that smaller, but I know it is, so I guess that would mean I succeeded at least a little. I think I'll post up a round up of the whole 6 month's work come the start of February.


  1. Love the desert look! I don't play FoW, but when I've seen others play, I see a lot of late war paint schemes. Do you think building an army up with a North Africa theme is restricting or off-putting to others? Just wondering, should I take this up, whether to follow my heart to Africa or take the more traveled road to Paris . . .

    1. Hi, thanks for the comment!

      Before you dip your toe into FoW, I would research your local FoW gaming scene and see what other people are playing. You're right in that by only collecting certain era specific armies, you'll be restricting yourself on the playing front. But not always. Maybe by collecting North Africa you can encourage a new theme for exisiting players to start collecting toward? Could even get a slow-grow league or something similar going?

  2. They look fine, decals and all.

    Obtw, it's fine to use OC, 2iC etc.

    1. Thanks mate. Guess I need to be more consistent when I'm writing these things up.

  3. These look absolutely smashing...and you know my love of canine minis! Great work with including Fido in the truck too.

    Where'd the hounds come from again?

    Oh, and re. decals, I was disappointed enough with PSC transfers...but honestly I didn't even give the Battlefront ones a look in: they seemed too big (!) and too limited in range too.

    1. Cheers Drax - the dogs are by Peter Pig. You get 6-8 figs in a pack with mix of three breeds - Terrier, Lab and Alsatian.

    2. Awesome - thanks!

      Lab + Stanley knife = Corgi


  4. From where I am sitting they look great! Hey, at lest you didn't have to paint the markings. :/

    1. Thanks Col.! You're not wrong there, that would have been a different type of rubbishness altogether!
