26 December 2014

Boxing Day 2014

Xmas is over and I'm back to work. Bottomless Mimosas (Bucksfizz to you Brits), huge turkey dinner and sleep deprivation (Due to my son waking us up at some ungodly hour to see what Santa had left him.) saw me out for the count and snoring around 5pm. Sad, but it also meant I got to dodge my in-laws visiting, so not all bad. Heh.

I love these things in Company of Heroes. Charging a unit of infantry is a messy business! :)

Hobby gifts were a little sparse - I got another set of magnifying lenses for my perfect-up-close-eyes and a pair of Flames of War Sherman Crab Mineflail tanks that looked like they'd sat on some shop shelves for a long time; so much so that the blister packs were cracked and a load of pieces were missing! Email sent to the seller to see what can be resolved.... ~_~

I got a little painting done. The Heroquest Sorcerer finally got the love he was promised. Being that he's going to be used as some sort of Death Cult Evil Priest type, I went with attempting a blue-grey skin colour and the requisite red (= evil for sure) tabard. The orb thing between his horns I painted similarly to the orb that my Necromancer is holding to key in so everyone can work out who's side they're on.

I caught a salmon, THIS BIG. 'uge it was!

Of course my son inquired as to whether he was wearing small-clothes....
And lastly, I got to finishing up the pre-primer basing on some random fantasy minis that I found and have added to my mass of rpg minis waiting for paint.


  1. Email battlefront customer service with a list of missing bits as well Dai. They should replace them without any fuss.

  2. Laughed at the salmon caption. Looks good! Sorry bout the blisters. I asked for some immortals one xmas. My parents got them off ebay from a seller who gave them the "old" metal immortals, claiming they were the same as the new deathmark box...that was fun to resolve.

    1. Yeah, still waiting to hear back on the tanks. Wouldn't be that much of a hassle were my plasticard skills not so laughable! :)

  3. Hah! Love the "this big" caption. Have a great New Year, Dai!

    1. Glad it hit the spot. You too old chap!

  4. It's always great to see some heroquest figs getting a lick of paint. Nice work.

    1. I have one or two more I think waiting in the queue.


  5. "Of course my son inquired as to whether he was wearing small-clothes..." - love it!

    - and look at you with your Stateside Boxing Day!

    Bad luck with the mine flails - still, it's the thought that counts, right?

    In my 22-ish years of wargaming I've never received any gaming presents. In fairness, this is because I've historically always hidden it from everyone - my brother and I built up HUGE 'Epic/Space Marine' collections in the early 90s without our parents really being aware of the money we were spending/wasting, and until the last couple of years I've kept it hidden from everyone except my wife and my small band of fellow gamers.

    Sporadically attending gaming clubs over the last couple of years has changed this a little, and taking up historical gaming has mitigated the slight Games Workshop embarrassment (y'know: where in your twenties you're so embarrassed to buy White Dwarf from the newsagent that you almost buy a copy of 'Men Only' to slip it inside just in case someone sees you).

    These days - thankfully, I pretty much don't care about people knowing about my hobby, but as my wife and I have almost no extended family and we don't buy each other Christmas presents, I can't imagine any hobby gifts emerging any time soon...!

    - and I'm with daveb: I love Heroquest models painted!

    1. I love HQ models with a lick of paint too. The oldies deserve love as well.

      Hidden your nerdiness? From your single days being a single man, I can understand, but away from that? Hrm. Guess I am more of a blatant nerd than I thought. :)

  6. Replies
    1. It's a wonder GW/FW haven't produced a model yet?

    2. Expect it on a Spaze Muhreen flier any day now...
