12 October 2014

Zomtober 2014 part 2!

Again a day late. Heh. Shame on me.

Zedhead number two completed and ready to drool on his way to brain city. Quick and dirty again, the pupil in his left eye was an utter (And welcome) mistake. Still haven't gotten new dullcoat, so that still needs applying.

Two down, six to go. I need to step it up!

Now working on three shermans for November's D-Day tournament where I plan to run an armoured list. 


  1. That zombie is thoroughly disgusting (as is only appropriate)! Awesome work, man!

  2. Replies
    1. Seriously, it was a drunken non-planned flick of the brush. I wish I could take credit.

  3. I hope you weren't eating...

  4. The eyes (or socket, as the case may be) are fantastic. Nicely done.

  5. Great work, I like the darkness of the flesh tone, unusual but I think it works really well.

    Cheers Roger,
