29 September 2014

O bugger...

Somehow I didn't post last week.... >_<

This pledge thing is already failed. Well, kind of - at least I haven't bought any new models since I began this (month 1 of 6 almost seen through!).

I have though been painting. So not so bad really.

What have I painted? Finally got to my 8th Army desert Brits - namely a Honey Stuart and a Recce Armoured Car platoon. Now, I've still got some research to do to make sure I get the markings right (Anyone who has some handy links to sites that detail this will earn my eternal thanks as I've come up horribly short in my own searches.), so they are just sandy and details picked out for stowage, etc. But they are up to a quality I think that I'd be happy to play them in a tournament.

The Honey Stuart was my test piece for this scheme as I only had the one tank. I think in the end I'll mark it up as an Early War version for a future project.

The Armoured Cars are a Daimler 1 command vehicle and two Marmon Herrington iii's. I absolutely love the look of the Marmon Herringtons! So very Mad Max or something. I added some spare Bren guns to the turret to account for their AA guns that my list includes.

After these, I started working on a platoon of Wasp carriers for my Canadians. These things were crazy cool - dinky Universal Carriers with Extra sized fuel tanks welded to the back attached to flame throwers. Flippin' crazy if you ask me, what with these things being about as armoured as my old 1993 Rover Mini Italian Job Special Edition - a rifle shot can pop these things!

Tonight I've got a game lined up versus Densmol (First game in weeks...) - a late war 1850 point Market Garden books only affair with my Canadian Rifles versus a German Fallschirmjäger horde. I'll try to get some pics taken and post up an AAR (That's a batrep for you Warhammer folks. :P )

Now that I've some real progress started on my Flames of War piles, I really should update my painting charts....


  1. I am excited by those plague marines loitering in the background.
    Dude, don't make pledges! They are always damned to failure! They exist to encourage failure!

    Well done for painting some of your pile of "unpainted shame" though. FoW isn't something i've ever gotten excited about, but the shading on these vehicles looks real good so far!! Nice job

    1. Thanks Tony!

      Sadly, those Marines.... they'll be up on Ebay soon. They'll be getting no love from this painter.

      Pledges - that's just it though mate. I HAVE to make it through at least one, right?

    2. I shall follow your progress! You have the self belief to pull this off. You couldn't send me a chunk of your self belief could ya? It'd come in real handy!

    3. Self belief. I believe ANYONE can do anything they put their mind to that really matters to them. It's just whether we are willing to put in the hard work and maintain the mental discipline to see it through to the end.

  2. Celebrate your successes, not your failures. Well done on holding off buying AND getting painting done. The documentation seems legitimately third in importance.

    Flamethrowers, in general, seems pretty nutso to me. Compressed air cylinders give me the heebeegeebies when I'm near them. Then imagine that they are filled with something volatile....gross.

    I quite like the tank, some nice grime and highlights. The centre armoured car seems more flat/uniform than it's neighbours. Is it the pictures perhaps? Maybe didn't get as much inking?

    1. It's a mix between the lighting and the comparative lack of detail between the Daimler and the MH3's I think. THe MH3's have lots more interesting raised surfaces and so forth to catch the wash, whereas the Daimler has more larger flat surfaces. I think though from arm's length, they'll work.

      Flamethrowers.... Yeah, I feel rather similarly about them. Feel that way about fireworks too.

      Thanks for commenting!

  3. Wow - I'm impressed on all counts!

    I'm impatient to start my 8th army stuff, and as such I'm bound to ask: whereabouts are those Honeys from? I straight-up can't afford Battlefront tanks en masse, and looking forward to Plastic Soldier Co. releasing theirs (likewise their forthcoming universal carriers).

    The wasps are an interesting choice. I've realised (through easyarmy.com) that the generic British LW list is not only MASSIVELY cheaper than Market Garden (what isn't?!) - being Confident-Trained - it also has access to a cheeky wee squad of Wasps. I love the idea of these critters whizzing around to cause carnage, so...

    And yes: you're absolutely right about the Marmots. I now want some of those too. Git.

    PS: Please tell us you drive your proper mini stateside...?

    1. The Honey is actually a Battlefront model. I got it in a sweet Ebay lot deal earlier this year. I guess it's a new sculpt too. Details are really crisp, though some of the rivets on the left side of the hull are instead divets, but that looks fine with paint. I'd love in future to have a Honey Stuart company for Early War, but that's not going to happen for about 5 months at least.

      The Overlord lists offer a bunch of trained options too. Thing is, Trained Brits are horrible to play. Or I am just a horrible player. Hehe.

      Sadly no mini in the States. Everything on the roads over here is so huge, it would be a silly idea. My first car was a mini in the UK and my last. My fav' cars ever to drive - like go-carts with a roof, so much fun.

  4. Quite jealous of all these ruddy well painted armour columns I keep seeing.

    1. That just means you should paint up some of your own! :)

  5. Really digging the desert color scheme - looks great man!

    1. Thanks mate. Have been a little nervous about getting it "right", but I think I like what I've done so far enough to keep the scheme for the whole army.

  6. They look good. Great to see so much progress!

    1. Cheers Cameron! Been really energised to paint of late - long may this last!

  7. Looking good Dai. Some late war British formations used the older Stuarts all the way through. The Armoured Divisions got the newer kit but the Armoured Brigades had to do with the Honey's - it'll be those versions I'll be getting for my 144RAC list.

    Still got my Wasps to sort out as well - they are at least on the painting chart!!!

    1. It must have sucked to be stuck with such outdated equipment. Then again, versus the smashing German equivalents, upgraded or not, they still sucked.

  8. Terrific work, Dai. The tan paint on the Brit vehicles looks right, and there's just enough rust and dirt to be convincing. Lovely. The WASP was a vehicle designed to save lives, really. You can read lots of accounts of how in the last months of the war the Canadians would encounter resistance, then they'd bring up a WASP, it would give a demo blast or two and the Jerries could then surrender, honour satisfied. No one really wants to be incinerated.
    Looking forward to seeing your AAR on how the Canucks did vs the paras. Always a good matchup.

    1. Save lives eh? From that description I can fully understand that rationale. They certainly caused some havoc amongst those German Paras.

      Thanks for the kind words Mike.

  9. These are bloody lovely. Always a fan of armoured cars and the desert scheme is fantastic, excellently done. And huzzah for more Canadians, not sure I'd want to be in one of those Wasps though...

    1. Ha! Completely agree. Ingame, they pop far too easily, though my last game using them, they also caused a LOT of damage.

  10. Love those armoured cars! Really nice paint work on them.
