02 September 2014

6MMRPC #1 - Organisation

This 6-month challenge/pledge is proving to be an interesting muddle of many things. I've started making lists for each project, cataloging what models I have for each, then tallying them into a journal for later transferring into a blog post. Last count I am up to 16 distinctly different projects that need my attention. That's a possible 16 different whole armies, or skirmish sized group of miniatures. (And I didn't even catalog my entire rpg minis backlog; just added them as an entry with "X" amount done.*this also does not include any upcoming Kickstarter deliveries which will also be added as they arrive*)

Still, there's more than enough to keep me busy realistically until 2020 or something silly. :) Okay, maybe not that far ahead. But looking at the pile, there's more than enough that I find I'm actually far happier than I realised to hold off on any further purchases.

With all this in mind, I went on to start making Excel charts to keep track of all of these painting projects. So far, I've managed to prepare only the three main Flames of War projects I have on my table. Using the Draxian paint chart method here are the first three charts (These charts looked a lot clearer before I converted them to jpegs...?):

Now, these charts don't detail the exact number of minis involved, but I don't think that's all that important, it's the end result. I think seeing all these red boxes turn yellow then green on each project will really help keep me motivated to finish off each list. I'll also have a 4th chart made for the rest of my Flames of War pieces that don't really belong specifically to any army I currently play or own.

I'll be making more of these up for my other 28m projects too - my 40K Astra Militarum Imperial Guard project is the one I'm fearing the most.... O_o I didn't realise I had collected up so much infantry.

Whilst this post is about the 6 Month Mountain Reduction Painting Challenge, I'll not claim it as this week's (The Challenge officially started yesterday.) post, so keep an eye open for a proper job post in a couple days.

Lastly, those missing German platoons and pieces I mentioned in my last post that were needed to fill out my Arnheim list? Well, I went and ordered them from Lotus Vault and they are on their way. Now I have NO excuses for getting my wallet out for new models.


  1. Dude! Your organization is stunning! I like it!

    1. I would get overwhelmed and burn out way too fast if I didn't at least try to make an organised effort at all this. :)

  2. All the best for this, mate (and thanks for the plug!)

    1. Cheers old bean.

      Plug's due where it's due.

  3. Is the "6 Month Mountain Reduction Painting Challenge" a thing yet? If not, you should make it one. I would participate. Make participants track their progress versus models purchased. I need to do this to get rid of my Flames of War backlog.

    Your charts are quite red at the moment! I'm looking forward to seeing your progress on it!

    1. Yes mate, though it looks as though you've found the source of the Challenge already. :) Glad you are inspired to join!

  4. Wow! That's an amazing level of organisation!

  5. Excellent! I use the Draxian method as well, and find it rather encouraging watching the charts change color! Looking forward to seeing the platoons come together!
