10 April 2014

Six of Seven

Six out of seven ratlings are done! (The seventh had a mishap, and so I’ll have to start from scratch on him.)

But I’m calling this one done done done. The models weren’t cleaned up or anything prior to me getting them and I refused to do it myself after goods had already been exchanged and hands shaken. So they were painted au naturelle so to speak. Tabletop quality was requested so that’s what you see here. Nothing special, but good enough to get them laid down and ready to snipe out enemies of the Imperium of Man.

To celebrate, I also finished up another miniature I had promised a mate I’d do up for him over a year ago for a roleplay game character (From a campaign that we have since long finished…. *facepalm*). The figure originally sported a nice bo-staff to go with it’s “Brotherhood of the Wolf” look, but the character it represents hacks his enemies apart with a hand axe, so a simple weapon-swap was done. (No back view as it’s just a plain black cloak, which is…. Boring.)

 Once I get the final ratling done, it's on to my Desert 8th Army Brits. I have all but one truck (Out of 15 needed....) out of the models required for my Mid War list and I can't wait to get painting it. Stay tuned!


  1. Ooooh, I do love a good Ratling, and they are GOOD Ratlings. Nice work, they look suitably dingy and skulky.

    1. They complain about battlefield conditions and lack of 2nd breakfasts too.

  2. Replies
    1. Cheers Tony! Soon be working on my Blight Drone, so hope to get some pointers from you after your own sweet looking effort.

  3. Nice work on both the ratlings and Mr Axe Man!

    As for the 8th Army - did you know that's my secret next project too? Exciting times...!

    1. No I did not.

      Are you thinking 15mm or larger scale? Excited to see your progress posts!

    2. 15mm of course mate - I daren't go any larger as I can't blag painting the detail at 28mm historical!

      Still, it'll be a while yet, because in my plans to do something other than foorslogging infantrry, the idea is to go for a Plastic Soldier Company-based light armoured force...but I'm waiting for their M3 Stuarts to get off the 'to-do' list now...

    3. Honeys eh? Cute tanks, though I feel in MidWar Crusaders are a better buy as one can switch out for 6pdr guns and give them much needed AT10. Saying that, Honeys can also be used in Early War too....

      Am about to start painting my paint scheme tester tank which happens to be a honey stuart...

    4. Ooh, I look forward to seeing it!

      Crusaders look interesting, but this is a project for me to do on the cheap, so if the PSC offers one of their '15 tanks for £45 all-in' deals, then I'll be all over it.

    5. Yeah.... you really dont want to know whati spent putting together what I thought was going to be a desert army on the cheap.... >_<
      Oldglory make cheaper metal tanks but so far I've yet to be impressed with their sculpts.

  4. These Ratlings are rather nifty indeed sir?! And that's a very good "tabletop" standard. Loving that RPG character as well, the first thing I thought when I saw it was Brotherhood of the Wolf so you definitely hit the nail on the head with that one. Looking forward to seeing more of the 8th Army

    1. Cheers Kieran. I need to watch Brotherhood of the Wolf again after all this talk of the flick, if only to get another gander at Monica Belucci's lovely form. ;)
