21 October 2012

Interlude 5

This post brought to you by Pabst Blue Ribbon, my American beer of choice and the almost certain hangover it will deliver the day after.

(No kidding here folks, I really do prefer this over much else brewed over here. Not to say that it's better than my 1st choice beers, Stella Artois or Kronenbourg though.)

Yesterday was my birthday. Enough said about that. The reason I bring it up was because of the lovely gifts I received and of the wonderful hobby goodness contained therein.

1. Pegasus Hobbies Gothic church looking scenery boxed set: I am well happy to get this. The quality is fantastic and I fully aim to purchase the other sets they have available for my 2nd planned terrain board. Am thinking my 1st graveyard board needs a place of worship, right?

2. The new plastic Plaguebearers boxed set: as soon as I saw these I was hot for them. So much fun and sweet little details. Now I just need the Nurglings box and my Nurgle urges will be appeased.

3. Dark Vengeance boxed set: I consider myself bloody lucky to have the good friends that hang around my carcass. Dave was up for learning 40K after I convinced him 6th is a big step better than 5th (He had no interest in the last edition at all.) and so got me the starter set so we can try out 6th together. He's a good feller and needs to play more to boot.

4. Airbrush and Compressor: Yup, that's right, I made it into the 21st century. Now I only hope the thing isn't too tricky to learn how to use. No more do I have to anticipate trying to paint my Malcador Defender the hard way! ;)

That's it, a short post. There's (more) beer to drink, a movie watch with my lovely wife and yet another day off to anticipate and plan for. So far, best 3 days off in a long while. :)

(O and I recently hit 10'000 views! thanks to all who take the time out to visit this meagre blog, have a beer for you too!)


  1. Welcome to the world of Airbrushing! Once you have it down, you will dread having to paint anything by hand, haha.

  2. Happy birthday! I'm a Guinness man myself :) that sounds like an impressive haul, looking forward to meeting them on the blog. And congrats on the 10K milestone!

  3. Many Happy returns sir! Some fine gifts in there for sure!

  4. Happy Birthday!

    Sounds like a cracking haul and some excellent time off to boot, can't be bad


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Happy birthday, Dai - sounds like you had a good one!

    Looking forward to seeing what you do with the Plaguebearers, that is a really cool looking kit.


  7. Happy birthday and congrats on the 10,000 hits! That's one decent present list too so well done!

  8. Many thanks all for your well wishes and so forth. Just to reiterate, it's feedback from you lot that keep me energised to both keep working on my projects and also show off any progress here in my blog.

  9. Happy birthday sir, I shall have to try that on my next North American trip... although like Scipio I tend to favour Guiness, Real Ale or a good Scrumpy :P I'm glad I'm not the only slow adopter of an airbrush, really going to have to give it a go soon

  10. @ Headologist - I miss a good scrumpy.... Mmmm. :)

    Airbrush Yeah. Two weeks on and I am still intimidated by the thing. So much so it's still in it's box.
