03 February 2025

It's all Greek to me! (Part 7 - Infantry Squad #2 Complete!)

I recently managed to finish up the 2nd of 4 infantry squads for my WW2 Greek army. This 11-man squad is made up of 3D printed resin sculpts designed and printed by Greece-based Studio Historia and are some very nicely done minis with lots of dynamic poses. I still think they are some of the best WW2 3D printed options out there. They are all painted and based in the same fashion of the previous Greek forces I've previewed here. (Forgive the shininess - these pics were taken pre-dulcote)

Like I said - really cool dynamic poses on these. So far I've yet to be disappointed with any of the Studio Historia 3D sculpts I've purchased.  

Speaking of which, this is the first "army project" that I've actually taken time to catalogue the paint colours I've used so I have true uniformity amongst the force. The overall effect of seeing them arrayed together makes a heck of a difference say, compared to my Soviets that seem a little more rag-tag in comparison and I'm mightily tempted to perhaps sell that army and start anew in a similarly more organised fashion for a better, more unified end result. We will see...

Webbing/straps aside, there aren't too many markings, unit or rank badges to have to pick out. Normally Greek army have a red collar marking, but this squad are in Cold Weather kit and almost all of their coat collars are "popped"! (So no room to paint said red markings)

As with all the other pieces to this project, I've kept the basing VERY simple for expediency's sake in an effort to make my deadline. Tufts are only on the squad leader (2x tufts) and LMG mini (1x tuft) to better pick them out on the table. I might come back at a later date and add more detail just for interest' sake.

Squad #3 is now on the paint table and I fear I am not going to find enough time to get them done before my February 8th deadline and that still leaves Squad #4 to paint besides! (I hate playing with unpainted miniatures!) - wish me luck!

Squad #3 on the table (Another Great Escape Games metal squad). Not a lick of paint as yet. I fear I might not get these lads done in time, which means Squad #4 will have to be played just primed!

For those keeping track, here is the updated Painting Chart:

My household has been suffering from recent seasonal colds and so forth, it's been fun (not) and I'm hoping it all clears up prior to next weekend. Hope you and yours are well out there!